Plants enChant is a cosmo-logic herbal gathering. We provide opportunity to deepen attune-ments to the plant teachers, the medicine of their Ways, and the (beyond the ego-mind) perspectives they offer.

Plants enChant is intended to align with, and contribute to, an evolutional directive now sweeping the planet, and the human collective. The power of Creation is moving us out of the heady programmings of lack, limitation, and separation, into the more connective multi-dimensionalities of the heart-space. Creativities are arising to flower a new reality, a reborn world

We honor the Kin-dom of plants for their guidance, their space holding, for the human growth process that culminates in this flowering. We gather @ Plants enChant to engage these energies. Our focus is on the confluence of songs, ceremony, and integration. .

With songs we reclaim our birthright as a singing species.  Nature is music, and we create as we sing.  The plants are great activators of voice and song. At Plants enChant we embrace the bard archetype, and sing of the gift, of the lift, of the shift, so that we may GLOW with the updraft of rising frequencies . .

With ceremony we bridge into the higher realms with presence, gratitude, and attention to subtle frequencies. We ground this flow thru conscious spiritual practices, and offer its radiance to Life, its revelations to Earth as Heaven. Om Shanti Ma!

With integration we embrace the paradoxes, and disruptions that arise out of rapid shifts in consciousness, especially those that are catalyzed by the more ‘vocal’ plant teachers. We explore ways to stabilize ourselves as higher dimensionals, to stand in our Power and Dream BIG.

Like its sibling gathering, Singing Alive, Plants enChant is a DIY -styled event. . We all have things to teach each other of songs, ceremonies, and integrations that have helped us on our journey in this Earth-School . . Come, be part of the new growth!