The Amazonian Medicine Song Circle will incorporate both traditional Amazonian plant medicine songs from the Forest as well as songs that came through Drew during his work with Amazonian plant medicines. Drew will be teaching the songs that he has learned in his journey and his deep work. There will also be teachings and discussion on the traditional Amazonian snuff, hape, as well as other central plant medicines.
facilitated by:
Drew YoungSpring ~ Song Medicine Carrier. Drew is a student of the earth. He has been traveling the Americas learning the wisdoms of the forests, mountains, deserts, rivers, and seas. For the past four years, Drew had been deeply studying the medicine plants and songs of the Brasilian Amazon and the Peruvian Andes. He has been focusing on learning from the Yawanawa and Huni Kuin tribes of the Amazon. On his travels he studies and collects songs that vibrate the heart and lift the spirit. He is both a song carrier and a song writer, putting equal importance on both the carrying of powerful songs and the creation of his own. He works often with songs that carry the frequency of traditional plant medicines of the Americas.