Shamanic Plant Ceremony with Goldenrod


w/Jan Kinsey


Join us in ceremony with the plant spirit of Goldenrod.

Years ago in an ayahuasca ceremony, the oak tree showed up for Jan and stated that it wanted a ceremony. In 2021we did a ceremony with Oak. Every year since then, a new plant has stepped forward. Yarrow. Hawthorn. This year Goldenrod is calling for a ceremony.

The focus of these plant ceremonies is to
– experience a healing from the plant spirit
– develop a working relationship with the plant
– and learn how its medicine pertains to you and your community.
In this ceremony, we will partake in a goldenrod essence. We will do shamanic journeys to the plant spirit, breathing in its energy field, merging with the plant, and (hopefully) singing its song!

A vibrational herbal essence of Goldenrod will be for sale for those who wish to use it to integrate and deepen this work. This is a plant that will meet you halfway.

There will be an integration and check in circle offered on zoom 7PM July 31. Make sure that Jan has your email address.


Jan Kinsey is a shamanic practitioner who is passionate about working with weather spirits and spirits of medicinal plants of the Cascadia bioregion.

In his healing practice, Jan utilizes shamanic healing modalities and energy work to address underlying causes that are manifesting as dis-ease or emotional imbalances. He has worked in medical clinics that specialize in treating auto-immune and chronic illnesses. He finds shamanic work to very effective and practical.

Originally from Norway, he now calls Cascadia home.

“Goldenrod Essence supports the process of finding a true life and then courageously living it. It will help us find our backbone when we need to make tough decisions or change our life situation.”
– Green Hope Essences
“The goldenrod problem begins with a lack of endurance, a lack of strength to persevere through difficulty, an inability to process what is necessary to get to the end”
– Matthew Wood, Herbalist
“I experience kundalini activation through my spine taking the flower essence. It opens up golden consciousness, alignment, and flow between heaven and earth (vertically) through our spine and central channel. (Golden Dragon!)”
– Camilla Blossom
“Goldenrod helps support a well-developed individuality and an inner sense of self balanced with group or social consciousness”
– Flower Essence Repertory
“Goldenrod helps us to identify and release patterns that keep us out of our true brilliance; regrets, melancholy, addictions, low self esteem, ancestral and social conventions, joy-less career ladders”
– Jan Kinsey