For the past 3 years, I’ve been guided to journey with Blue Lotus in a deep way. She arrived in my life as a teacher to guide me, gently reaching into the depths of my own emotional waters. Through her softness, patience and surrender, I’ve been able to allow light to be shone on the shadows that are oftentimes challenging to allow to the surface. Our ancient relationship with Blue Lotus has all but been forgotten. She wants to be remembered and reawakened as a powerful ally to our flowering process.
In this workshop we will reunite with Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) in ceremony. Participants are invited to connect with her through all the senses, and then sing her into life. Depending on the energy of the ceremony, we may take a guided journey to meet Blue Lotus or perhaps we will call upon her to assist us in releasing any stuck and stagnant emotions. There will be opportunity for share back at the end of the ceremony.
facilitated by:
Lindsay Liana Sophia ~ a Ceremonialist, Bodyworker, Channeler, Singer and Beloved Human Being. Having spent the last 8 years exploring nearly all continents of this world, diving deep into the realms of shadow work and plant medicines, she now resides in Southern Oregon where she works on a seed farm and is a practicing massage therapist. Lindsays passion in life lies in authentic human expansion, expression and potential. She’s currently preparing to return to school to pursue her Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy and Psychedelic Therapy.