Come co-create an emergence into the Tone Age of Harmonic Bliss! In the tradition of shamanic journeys of transformation, we gathering in circle, close our eyes, and communally sing alive a fertile imaginal space. This Dreamtime visioning allows the deeper currents of Creation to more fully activate the Gaian Dream, our Dream, as it unfurls itself beneath the Sunlight of our Opening Hearts. This will include attunements to attend to recent disturbances in the collective consciousness. May we all flourish Omward thru these Transitional Times!

facilitated by:
Morgan Brent ~ an educator, event organizer, and ceremonialist. He received a PhD in anthropology at the Univ. of Hawaii, specializing in the spiritual ecology of medicinal plants. He has worked extensively with plant-inspired wisdoms, and allies himself with Nature’s efforts to ‘save the humans’ thru catalyzing the various dimensions of our evolution. He is a co-founder of Singing Alive events, as well as Plants enChant.