Re-membering a Unified Herbalism

w/ Morgan Brent

The herbalism we know as a pleasantly quaint country craft, or lately, a more benign form of pharmacy, is far removed from its more perennial form, which runs the pulse of Gaian consciousness, and acts in accord with Nature’s corrective influence in the human sphere.  This is largely due to the war on Nature which has been waged in its various forms over the centuries, most recently as the ‘war on drugs’.   As the rebalancing forces of Creation ease us into a ‘psychedelic renaissance’, we have opportunities to explore and co-create a revitalized, full-spectrum herbalism.

Morgan Brent ~ an educator, event organizer, and ceremonialist. He received a PhD in anthropology at the Univ. of Hawaii, specializing in the spiritual ecology of medicinal plants. He has worked extensively with plant-inspired wisdoms, and allies himself with Nature’s efforts to ‘save the humans’ thru catalyzing the various dimensions of our evolution. He is a co-founder of Singing Alive events, as well as Plants enChant.