2021 Plants enChant Workshops

Oak Ceremony

w/ Jan Kinsey

Creating Your Own Plant Songs

w/ Hanna Leigh

Galactic Language Activation & PrayerSongs

w/ AshEL SeaSunZ Eldridge

Breathwork with Mugwort

w/ Eszter Gavaller a.k.a. Eostar Kamala

Tobacco/Mapacho as Medicine

w/ Todji

Plants and the Pandemic

w/ Morgan Brent

Songs for the Elements and Plants

w/ Leora Borealis

Morning Yoga

w/ Clairita

Plants Sing us into Existence

w/ Scott Kloos

Rose Code Activation

w/ Alta Ma

Shamanism and Plant Totems

w/ Jan Kinsey

Ways of Deep Herbalism

w/ Morgan Brent

Flower Essences

w/ Devjeet Kaur


w/ Morgan Brent

Sacred Rest Stop

w/ Sarra Sabra

Kava Social


more to be announced ...