Cultivating Mediumship with Sacred Plant Medicines

Todji Kurtzman and Michelle Hawk

Mediumship is the practice of communicating directly with spirits, or spirits working directly through us, and is the foundational practice of all Shamanic traditions around the world. Mediumship is an essential part of working with plant medicines, as it allows us to cultivate direct, personal relationships with the plant spirits. Nature spirits communicate by transmission through our primal consciousness. We can cultivate our mediumship practice with or without the help of sacred plant medicines, but it is very common for people to receive mediumship activations during sacred plant medicine ceremonies. If you are experiencing a mediumship awakening, or you would like to develop your mediumship practice, it is vitally important to learn how to open your channel safely and effectively to avoid unwelcome spiritual activity and interference. In this workshop, Todji and Michelle will share about the many forms of mediumship, offer tools and techniques for developing your mediumship practice, address common blockages and challenges on the path, and share how to safely and effectively open your channel to create functionally purposeful mediumship connections with plant spirits, and other spirit allies.  


Bio: Todji is a Tabaquero / Curandeiro, sculptor, and musician. During his Tabaquero apprenticeship in the Peruvian Amazon Todji completed sixteen dietas with Amazonian master trees and was trained in cooking tree medicines and administering dietas by world renowned master Tabaquero Ernesto Garcia. Previous to that Todji dieted six other Amazonian master plants with the Shipibo, Huni Kuin and Yawanawa tribes. At the beginning of his training in 2008 Todji was called to heal himself from 6 years of life threatening illness, including being poisoned in the deep Amazon, with survival being the qualification for the Curandeiro job. Todji traveled, married and lived in Brazil over the course of 30 years and learned to speak Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish so he could speak with his teachers in their native languages. Todji has played drums in Brazil during carnival for audiences of 40,000 people in the streets, and has practiced Capoeira for 25 years. Todji now incoporates everything that he learned that worked for him during his own medicine journey and now offers his higher service to the North American community by facilitating Sacred Plant Meditations and offers master plant dietas near Portland Oregon.


Michelle Hawk began practicing Shamanism in 2003 at age 15. Her lineages come from the Hungarian Shaman Clan Baksa, and Celtic shamanism. A naturally gifted medium and intuitive channel, Michelle’s work with Alchemy, Shamanic practice, and multiple certifications as a Master Healer allow her to offer the deepest level of transformational work. She mentors and trains practitioners in Shamanism, Alchemy, mediumship and the healing arts, and helps people master their intuitive gifts and magical birthright.


Todji and Michelle facilitate sacred Amazonian plant medicine ceremonies together monthly near Portland, OR.