Plants enChant


Birthing Gaian Dreamtime Songs

with Morgan Brent We will explore some ways to birth or ‘catch’ songs from the deeper strata of the imagination. This discussion includes how these ‘veins’ of the collective consciousness (Gaian Dreamtime) can be understood, the often ‘lost’ treasures of archetypes that exist there, and the genre of songs (‘Gaian Folk’) that emerge from them.    Gaian Folk songs are much about transitioning us out of our history, our ‘Dream of separation’,  and into the dawning ‘Age of remembering’.  We will focus on a few prophecy songs to allow resonance with life @ an elevated frequency, and practice ...

Oxymel Wisdom & Wellness

with Mahogany Duncan We will come together to learn of the lore, medicinal properties, and power of oxymels (a honey & vinegar herbal infused medicine)  Together we will weave songs, speak to different plant allys, give thanks to the medicine and magic of honey & the bees, and learn different methods of a timeless medicine fit for all home apothecary shelves  Each participant will leave with an 8oz bottle of their personalized oxymel to strain when comes time, recipes, written songs, and further educational materials   Bio: I have been weaving with the plants as my teachers for ...

Ceremonial Musicianship Workshop

with Todji This is a workshop to learn and practice singing ceremonial songs and to accompanying yourself with percussion or another instrument that you bring, for all levels.  If you wish to learn to sing and play a drum, shaker or clap your hands in rhythm while singing, we will practice this.  I will teach a few ceremonial songs, along with drum and shaker patterns with guitar strums that match, and we will practice the songs and the rhythm separately, and then put them together to create a beautiful offering of ceremonial song!  I wish that all participants come away with new songs, ...

Reciprocity in Relationship with Plant Kin

with Melissa Rose Schaefer Building true Gaian reciprocity with our plant kin means first shifting from extractive or distracted paradigms of plant medicine to one of deeper spiritual relationship. We are invited to listen deeply to the voices of the plant realm in order to understand how we may tend reciprocity with these beings, and the whole of the natural world, in both spiritual and practical ways. The deeper relationships forged through reciprocity offer us an opportunity to receive the fullness of the healing, wisdom and magic that the plants have to offer.   In this workshop we ...

Dumbledore Talks Mushrooms, Magic Meets Science

Jay Cusker & Jan Kinsey  Jay Cusker (Mental Health Therapist, Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator, and Psychonaut) will be sharing “Dumbledore Talks Mushrooms, Magic Meets Science”. In his work as an Oregon Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator, one of his clients saw him as Dumbledore. In an altered state of consciousness, this is true. Jay will talk about treatment protocols, share stories of clients’ journeys (over a hundred, from out of state and internationally), and how Jay’s life and intimate relationship with psilocybin has aligned precisely at this time, to serve as a vessel for this ...

Shamanic Plant Ceremony with Goldenrod

  w/Jan Kinsey   Join us in ceremony with the plant spirit of Goldenrod. Years ago in an ayahuasca ceremony, the oak tree showed up for Jan and stated that it wanted a ceremony. In 2021we did a ceremony with Oak. Every year since then, a new plant has stepped forward. Yarrow. Hawthorn. This year Goldenrod is calling for a ceremony. The focus of these plant ceremonies is to
– experience a healing from the plant spirit
– develop a working relationship with the plant
– and learn how its medicine pertains to you and your community.In this ceremony, we will partake in a goldenrod ...

Mindfulness in Microdosing

Eostar Kamala After the popular weekly Microdosing FAQ Zoom Calls and 6-week Mindfulness in Microdosing Courses that Eostar has been leading, she will talk about her experience in microdosing psychedelics in an intentional and conscious container. Based on her interviews with clients, Eostar found that many people who try microdosing on their own, don’t get much of a result because they do not persevere staying on a protocol over at least a few months period of time. They also often lack guidance or an intentional container.  “Mindfulness in Microdosing” is an answer to a growing demand ...

Song Ceremony

w/ Ginger Song Ceremony – Were humans created in order to sing for plants? Is our singing medicine for them? Let’s sing ourselves around these questions in a mystical song ceremony intended to illuminate our connection to the natural world, to each another, and to ourselves. We will make beautiful music together in gratitude for the Earth’s generous gifts. These simple songs will bless and heal, raising vibrations as they drift into the ether.     Bio: For the last decade Ginger’s been singing actively in circles and at bedsides. She listens intently to facilitate smooth inclusion, ...

Re-membering a Unified Herbalism

w/ Morgan Brent The herbalism we know as a pleasantly quaint country craft, or lately, a more benign form of pharmacy, is far removed from its more perennial form, which runs the pulse of Gaian consciousness, and acts in accord with Nature's corrective influence in the human sphere.  This is largely due to the war on Nature which has been waged in its various forms over the centuries, most recently as the ‘war on drugs'.   As the rebalancing forces of Creation ease us into a ‘psychedelic renaissance’, we have opportunities to explore and co-create a ...

Communication with Plants, Animals, and Nature Beings

Ingrid Larson  Communication with plants, animals, and Earth is an innate ability that we all have. Do you have a special connection to a place that you would like to connect even more deeply with? Would you like to have a conversation with your pets, wildlife you’ve encountered, or other nature beings? Animals, nature beings, mountains, bodies of water, and Earth can all be excellent guides and teachers. Connecting with these beings is one of my greatest joys, and anyone can experience this. In this workshop people can ask questions of any being of nature and I’ll relay what they want ...

Honoring the Elements

saturday night fire circle This is a ceremony in the Mandala sky-lodge involving 4 altars, one for each element, placed @ each direction.  A  central altar acknowledges their artistry in choreographing this physical plane of existence.   We will progress a mythic narrative that engages their archetypal energies with song, breathing, yogic expressions, and visualizations.   Feel free to bring any object(s) to be part of the altars:   air (flies to the fire), fire (burns to the sea), water (flows into the earth), and the earth (is mother to me).   Also feel free to check in ahead of time ...

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony a heart opening journey with mama cacao.  A song-fest to deepen connection, and uplift the spirit  

Smudging, Saining, & Smoke Cleansing

w/ Tarah Green We explore the power of smoke cleansing, blessing, and consecrating with awareness of cultural significance in the Americas, Europe, and around the world, from the origins and etymology the words and language we use to describe these practices, to the variety of plants used and their medicinal properties. We observe and commune with a variety of plants used for smoke cleansing and chant in song together while experiencing the power of smoke cleansing techniques and beliefs.     Bio: Tarah Green was born in Kalispel territory of north Idaho, raised by her Grandmother, ...

Offerings to Creator ~ a hands on approach to incense crafting

w/ Jonathan Hasler Through calling in the directions and engaging with an individualized conversation, we learn to say our prayers through the labor of traditional incense making. Each participant will sit with an assortment of herbs/resins to burn and hand select for their own blend. The participant will stone grind their selected resin and create their own incense stick in harmony with their prayers to create a vehicle of transformation as the smoke goes up as an offering to the divine. Facilitated by Jonathan Hasler:A visionary experience at a young age left me with two notions that ...

Kava Social

Kava Social Thursday night we will open the gathering with Kava medicine, a social enhancer and connector.   


Tell-A-Vision Share plant (and fungi) visions, and related experiences of radical symbiosis, in a group setting.  In such ways we may get glimmers and bleed-thrus, or yet fuller expressions, of a greater underlying story now surfacing in the Collective. .